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Your donation changes lives!

By making a donation to today, you will be helping us to continue to deliver our community programme to some of the most disadvantaged and overlooked individuals and groups in the community – giving them a voice, positive outlet and sense of well-being that can be especially hard to find these days. These projects take people away from often very difficult lives and environments and gives them moments of fun, joy, as well as equipping them with skills and helping to build confidence; all of which makes a huge difference to the rest of their lives. Thank you so much for your generous support!


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Your Support Means Everything

This year has been very tough for theatres and non-profit organisations like Red Rose Chain and we have continued throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to provide a much needed creative outlet for our participants. Now more than ever, we need the support from our audiences to help us survive the impact of this crisis. Help us to spread the word of the work we do, or if you can afford to do so, please donate to our amazing community programme.

Your donations and support make a huge difference to your local community. Every penny we raise will enable us to continue our work with disadvantaged young people, vulnerable adults and young people and adults with disabilities and learning difficulties. 

Thank you to everyone who has already donated, your generosity and support means everything to us.


You already know by now that we don’t just make plays.

At the heart of Red Rose Chain is our community. We deliver an amazing community theatre programme that provides an oasis and refuge to children and young adults that gives them a voice through high-quality arts activities and volunteering opportunities. All these community groups are without auditions and kept free at source to ensure that our work is as inclusive and accessible as possible.

Whether we are working with a smaller group of disadvantaged participants or putting on a play to thousands of theatre fans, we can use your help. We want to grow our community work to reach more people, and continue to create bigger impact with higher quality projects.

We need all sorts of partners to help our work grow. You could be a business or individual with skills that we can make use of, a supplier who can help add value to our projects, or maybe you are in a position to commission or fund our work – we’d love to hear from you.