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Our Team

The Red Rose Chain Team

Joanna Carrick

Artistic Director

Jo is our Artistic Director and founder of the company. Jo directs Red Rose Chain’s productions and is celebrated for re-inventing classic stories and amazing interpretations of Shakespeare’s plays at Theatre in the Forest. She is also a playwright and written many historical plays, including her acclaimed ‘Tudor Trilogy’. Jo leads our community workshops and has many years’ experience of working with disadvantaged groups on life changing projects and developing the creative skills of young artists. Jo was recently listed in the 100 most influential Suffolk Women.

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David Newborn


David is Red Rose Chain’s Producer and has produced all of Red Rose Chain’s theatre and film work since 1995. David is responsible for creating our purpose built theatre in 2015, The Avenue. He is also an accomplished cameraman and editor, editing together our acclaimed green screen productions created during the COVID pandemic.


Katy Latham

Creative Director

Katy Latham is our Creative Director, leading on design, marketing and community work. She works closely with Jo to lead our workshops and activities, working with young people who volunteer as part of our professional productions. Katy is also creates the artwork for our posters, plus the costumes and props for our shows!

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Rei Mordue

Community Project Leader

Rei Mordue is our Community Project leader, working across all our community work to deliver workshops and community productions! Rei leads our two Chainers youth theatres, writing and directing their shows, and is also as an actor in our professional shows, including Theatre in the Forest! Rei has come through our community programme, starting as part of the Chainers youth theatre.


Luke Lancaster

Finance Assistant

Luke is Red Rose Chain’s Finance Assistant and specialises in finance and reporting for our theatre and community projects. He works closely with David to manage the finances, as well as heading up our box office sales team for The Avenue and Theatre in the Forest.


Stephanie Drane

Avenue Facilities Manager

Steph is our Facilities Manager and manages the upkeep of The Avenue Theatre and Gippeswyk Hall. Steph also manages our prop and costume stores, as well as helping to build our theatre sets and seating.



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