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The Chainers Youth Theatres

The Chainers Youth Theatres

The Chainers Youth Theatres

We have 2 inclusive youth theatres, The Chainers and the Junior Chainers, that develops young people’s skills and confidence through performance! We provide a safe and nurturing environment for young people of all abilities, with a “no fees, no audition” policy.

The Junior Chainers is a new group for young people from the ages of 10+, having fun and learning new skills through performance! They have recently started work on their new project about Anglo Saxon myths, funded by The National Heritage Lottery Fund as part of our wider ‘Wingelock’ project.

The Chainers is a young company for ages 15+, providing high quality training and experiences creating new and exciting theatre projects. They have just finished performing Happy Families, a new heritage play about poverty in Victorian Ipswich. This incredible play was researched and written entirely by the young people and performed to sold out audiences!

Being part of the Chainers youth theatres also gives young people the opportunity to volunteer on our professional productions at The Avenue Theatre and Theatre in the Forest. We also offer young people work placements, developing their skills in different elements of productions, from making costumes to operating the box office!

The Junior Chainers and Chainers meet weekly on Wednesday evenings. If you are interested in joining and want to find out more, email

Happy Families

Written and performed by The Chainers Youth Theatre – April 2023

“An engaging historical performance with a brilliant cast and remarkable story.” -Zach Scutcher, The Gazette

“I don’t blame her for abandoning us, but I don’t know why she did.”

HAPPY FAMILIES was a historical play by The Chainers Youth Theatre, telling the life of Emma Hawes, a Victorian woman trying to get by in poverty stricken Ipswich.

Emma’s daughter, Mary, voices how unsure she is about attending her mother’s funeral. While listening too often contradictory and downright ridiculous tales delivered by her family and friends, she discovers that despite being surrounded by calamity, Emma might not have been as bad as she thought.

This exciting take on local heritage explored how people were, and still are, quick to judge those who have fallen on hard times. The play takes its historical storytelling to the extreme, with a cast of colourful characters and unique styles of storytelling.

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